Wednesday, 6 July 2011

ZOOT! nuff said

There's not much to asy about this muppet really eccept he's a homeless jewish sax player who if he was anymore laid back, he'd be asleep.

Zoot is from series 3 of the Palisades Muppet show figures. Zoot has 13 points of articulation. Zoot comes with a "25 years of the muppet show" figure base, sax case, 2 part sax, magnetic hat and music stand. As per usual both paint and sculpt are spot on. As with all members of Electric mayhem zoot has a variant version that has a blue glasses instead of clear a silver sax and a brownish/tan top.

next I'll be looking at Janice the lead guitarist AND I'll be doing a FREE toy give away!!

untill next time......... Enjoy your toys!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Mr Peppers Electric Mayhem Band

Hey! The frog is not around....... time to lay down some serious sounds. That was the first time I had heard floyd speak and knew he was cool.

Floyd is from series 2 of palisades Muppet show figures. Floyd looks like he came straight off the cover of The Beatles Sgt Peppers Lonely Harts Club Band (Hmmmmm I wonder???). Floyd has 9 points of articulation, and comes with Bass, amp, magnetic hat and "25 yrs of the Muppet show" figure stand.

As allways the sculpting is perfect as are the colours. Floyd has a variant figure that has a blue top instead of red, green pants, green amp and a white bass. The only thing i dislike about Floyd is that the amp is attached to the Bass. As with all things the muppet line is now finished, I was gutted not only because the figures are the best figures in many a decade but also because I always wanted a Floyed with closed eyes for that ultra cool look....... ho hum! Any got a spare I can buy to do a custom??

Next time I'll be looking at Zoot.

Till then....... Enjoy your toys!